Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Christmas is over.....

Well Christmas is officially over and I dont have any plans or parties on the horizon the next week, even for New Years.  I have to work all week (not weekends). My children are with me for New Years so we will do something kid friendly.   We are invited to a kid friendly party but I dont even want to go... right now I think staying home might be the plan.

After 5 days of no alcohol last week, I had 3 days of lots.  Two big shin digs on Saturday the 22nd that left me with one of those nasty hangovers.  Sunday I had a Bloody Mary at lunch to help kick the Hair of the Dog.  Nope, didnt help.  I think I had a headache off and on for 2 days.  Xmas Eve I had plenty of wine and on Xmas Day I had  more wine.  I paid for it.  My stomach has been on fire.... between the sugar, wine and junk food, my body is not happy. Today, I am staying away from sugar and the rest of week I'm pledging no wine ( or any alcohol) either. 

January 2, I am starting a Whole 30 Clean Food Challenge to get my body back on track, which includes no alcohol. I need it.  I have done this challenge before.  Some friends are doing it with me so I have a good support group.  Not only do I know I need to kick the alcohol habit, I see that sugar is my problem also.  This past month when I started drinking more again, I started to eat more sugar and processed foods. 

So its time to focus on my health, physically and mentally.  I would love to say I am going alcohol free in 2013. Am I weak? Am I afraid to commit or admit I may have a problem?  I finally realized I have been using alcohol to cope with stress, my feelings etc.  I can't believe I was in such a fog the last two years.  Do I just need a good therapist?  Do I just want moderation to be my answer, oh wait, I have been trying moderation. 

So I guess I'm just going to stay in limbo for a while until I make a commitment and a decision and stick with it.  Someone blogged about or recently told me, dont take too much on.  Just focus on something little.  So I will.  January I will officially start my challenge, eat clean whole foods and NO alcohol.  Get back into my work out routine. 

That's the plan.... one day at a time.

Momma Bee


Friday, December 21, 2012

The Plan....

I stuck to my plan.... No drinks tonight.  My son and I had a nice dinner with a friend and her son.  It was nice to chat with her...we don't get to see each other often.  Came home, finished Xmas cards and watched some TV.  So nice to have 5 days straight of no alcohol.

In October I had 3 weeks straight... My goal for 2013 is a lot more days of no alcohol.  Jan 2 starts my 30 day Whole 30 Clean Food Challenge.... Not sure which will be harder, wine or sugar?

I'm looking forward to a Healthier 2013, both mentally and physically!

First up tomorrow, hitting the gym then lots of cleaning!

Off to bed, looking forward to a good nights sleep!

Momma Bee

Holiday Weekend is Here....

After I left work yesterday, I did a few errands for Xmas and I pondered buying a bottle of wine.  I didn't.  Instead , I counted in my head how many days in a row I had of no alcohol.  I was working on Day 4.  While wrapping presents last night w/ my son I thought to myself, I would have drank the whole bottle if I bought one.  Wonder how bad my wrappings  would of looked?  When we were done, kids went up to bed, I sat down, my back was sore, and I thought I deserve a lil reward for all I did tonight.  I had something to make a mixed drink.   I resisted and glad I did.  I went to bed at 11 and woke two times after some strange dreams.  I bagged the gym this morning and enjoyed the extra hour of sleep. 

It will be a long weekend of parties, celebrations and the crazy family is coming to town. I have plans to hit the gym tomorrow morning, so I will stay away from the wine tonight, that is the plan anyway. 

Why don't I always have the will-power to stick to the plan?

Happy Friday to all!

Momma Bee

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Back to old habits.....

December is here and I am falling back into my old habits.  I drank 11/19 days in December.  November was 9/30 days and October was 2/31 days......... Notice a pattern? I'm close to drinking daily again.  I dont want to be that person anymore. 

Who keeps track?  Just people who wonder if they have a drinking problem.

January 1, friends are doing a Whole 30 Clean Eating Challenge.  Which means I pledge to be alcohol (and sugar)  FREE for 30 days.

Now to just get thru the holidays with out over indulging and focus on my health.

Momma B.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Survived Whole 30, Now Sobriety

Monday was my last day of the Whole 30 Challenge.... I survived it.  My 2 big cheats (I really didn't have any mini cheats) was the bottle of red wine and some sips of beer on Day 14 and a piece of cheesy bread on Day 29.

I'm proud to say I lost 10 lbs and I plan to keep on eating this way as much as I can.  I told my friends, I'm going for 60.  I feel really good and my sleep, my skin and my energy has improved.  One of the real reasons I am continuing to eat clean becasue it is helping me not to drink.  I now have 19 days straight of no liquor.  Wine has been my vice and has been for quite a while now.  I went to my MD and told her I think I am really depressed and I'm drinking way to much wine. I have questioned my alcohol consumption and I am not comfortable with it.  Why, because once I start, I usually don't stop.  I went thru a bad divorce 5 years ago and I know deep down inside, I never dealt with the pain.  The last two years, maybe three, I've been drinking to cope.  I didn't realize until lately, how bad I was.  I don't want to hit the typical rock bottom.... this is bad enough.  No one knows what I am really going thru except my boyfriend, my doctor and now my acupuncturist.  I just went for a session to help deal with the cravings.  I haven't had the typical detox symptons or any real cravings.  My emotions have been all over the place and I find myself unusally quiet and keeping to myself.  My doctor is sending me to a therapist that deals with addiction.  I see him next week.... I'll wait to see what he has to say about me.

I can't think about not drinking forever yet... each day I take a pledge to myself, I will not pick up that first drink today.  The first is never the last recently.
So now I must focus on my health, mentally and physically.  I need to be a better more.  More attentive to my kids needs.  My plan is to keep eating clean, daily exercise and no wine.   I need to stop drinking b/c my feelings, reality and daily problems are not going to solve themselves.
Momma Bee

Monday, October 15, 2012

Day 23 of Whole 30

Had a great weekend other than my son breaking his wrist... He will Get a real cast today. He was a real trooper and didn't milk it too bad!

I didn't exercise this weekend because my schedule was full. I hosted a baby shower at my home, 2 soccer games, nutrition class, errands and an acupuncture class!! I loved the acupuncture too! I survived many temptations with food and desserts and stuck to the plan. I really didn't have any wine cravings either... Moment here and there but nothing to talk about.

I def. notice I am in more tune with my body and emotions. At times it is not fun but I realized how many other areas of my life was being neglected. I don't want to do that anymore!

Running late so I need to get to moving. I plan to leave work a little early to see my sons school soccer game. Busy night w/ kids stuff and my favorite shows are on tonight! Going to be a good day!!

Momma Bee

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Better Night

After I left work yesterday I hit my exercise class and pushed myself and burned over 600 calories!  I felt so much better mentally afterwards.  I came home, showered, chatted with the kids and made a clean dinner of steak and sweet potatoes.  I was in a much better place than the night before.  Went to bed early and took the early morning spin class! I feel really good today! Tonight is a long night of kids sports/appointments, so it will keep me busy and out of trouble!

Momma Bee  

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

18 Days of Whole 30 & Reality Just Smacked Me in the Face

Today is Day 19 of my Whole 30 Challenge....

I survived the weekend following the Whole 30 plan, food wise.  On Saturday (Day 14), I spent the day golfing with my boyfriend playing caddy.  Little did he know I drank a big glass of red wine before we went.  I hid that.  Little did he know while he was golfing and I was in the cart, I sneaked a few sips of his beer.  I hid that.  After we were done and having dinner at a bar, I started to unravel. I was in a bad mood b/c I wanted a drink and I was having a hard time finding someting that I could eat and satisfy me.  After we got home and he was watching tv w/ my son, I downed the rest of that wine bottle.  I litterally guzzled it but out of a glass of course.  I hid that.   I wasn't in control of myself or my mind.  When I stumbled to bed, he noticed.  When I woke up @ 2 am I realized, I f-ed up again. The next morning he asked why was I so crazy last night, what did I do?  He said I should of taped you.  I said you should have.  Sunday after errands, we hung out at a bar to watch the football game.  This is his typical Sunday, not mine.  I tagged along b/c we were at my familys vacation home.  Normally, I am soccer mom on Sundays.  He told me how proud he was of me following my new diet and not drinking.  I'm not even a football fan. I played w/ my phone checking facebook and playing word with friends.  I had a great Paleo friendly lunch there and drank many ice teas.  Later, we had a nice Turkey Dinner w/ my family back at the house.  On Monday, it was time to head back to work.  Tuesday evening, I was an emotional mess.  Angry, sad, pissed.  I was fine all day at work and on the way to my workout, my bf called and told me he couldn't work b/c of rain, so he went and played golf with a friend.  That set me off to an angry place and I am not sure why.  When he came home and was buzzed from his outing, I was even more on edge.  After a while I said, I am just not in a good place today and I am sorry.  He said I have one question I want to ask you.  What is it I said?? 

What were you on Saturday night?  Shit, please don't go there I thought!  You went from normal to a hot mess in minutes.  Were you on drugs?  Were you drunk?  If so, how did it happen so fast?  Tell me the truth, I deserve it.  I care about you and love you.  I sat there in silence for a long time, said I didnt want to talk about it, I walked away.  How can I tell him the truth when I can't even accept the truth?   Later I went outside to the garage where he smokes and broke down.  I said, "I was drunk and drank 3/4 of a bottle of red wine in like 10 minutes.  There the truth, you have it, I have a problem."  We talked for 2 hours.  I have told him few times before I need to cut back on my drinking.  I'm gaining weight and skipping my early morning workouts.  He has been down this same road before years ago before I met him.  He drinks almost daily and quit for 6 months years ago.  He told me many times, I just stopped, it was easy.  I was fine not drinking.  It didn't bother me.  I just needed a break.  He feels he doesn't have a problem.  (I'm sure that is debatable~ but this isn't about him) He isn't a binge drinker, doesn't drink at home, but he is a big social happy hour beer drinker.  It is how we met.  He wants me to be honest with him but how can I do that if I can't be honest with myself?  He told me, he will help me, he is on my side, he has been down this road,  he understands.  He told me he has been watching me.   I see you hide bottles in recycling and in the trash.  I come home and you lie that you were drinking or about how much you had.  I'm not stupid he says.  He is right, the last year and a half things have not been normal.  I'm not a normal drinker.  I am so ashamed.  I have so many postitive and great things in my life.  I have 2 great kids, a family business, wonderful parents and many close friends.  I haven't hit the traditional rock bottom and I dont want too.  Maybe this rock bottom is close enough?

My mother is an alcoholic in receovery.  She hasn't drank since I was 6.  I'm almost 40.  I have no desire or ready to confide in her.  We never had that type of relationship.  I have been following blogs, websites and questioned my actions for the last year.  This same time last year I was on "the wagon" for 10 days.  I have a friend doing the Whole 30 program with me.  She too struggles with her drinking.  We are helping each other to a point.  I told her I had wine Saturday, I was too embarassed to tell her how much or how I acted.  I never ask for help.  I'm type A and have a hard time asking for help or to reach out for support when I am struggling.  I went thru a horrible divorce years ago and acted like it was easy peasy.  I think the last few years I have been burying my hand in the sand.  I'm a single mom struggling with kids and an X who is not supportive and makes our lives very difficult.   I've been self medicating with wine and burying my emotions and stress.  I know I can't do this anymore.  That was one of the reasons I entered the Whole 30 challenge.  I need to change and I need to get better.

For now, I'm taking things, One Day at a Time.  Following the Whole 30 plan that includes no alcohol.  I already told my friends I may do this 60 days.  I'm thinking about my options, plans and what my next step should be.  So many thoughts are in my head.  I'm wondering if our relationship can survive me in sobriety?  Can I still hang out with my friends when I know they will be drinking? Do I really have a problem or just need to slow down and take a break for awhile?  All the questions a normal drinker doesn't ask themselves.  The right answers are in my head, I'm a very smart woman.  However, for now I will do that in my head and on my "secret" blog.  I will hide these thoughts from the real world.

 I need to slow down and just focus on today, One Day at a Time! 

Momma Bee 

Monday, October 1, 2012

Day 9 Whole 30~ my first little cheat

Still going strong.... I can honestly say I only cheated once... I weighed myself.  We are not supposed to do that.  I lost 4 lbs in a week.  I did feel it a bit.  My clothes were not as snug... not a big difference but its only a week!   Most proud of my sleep habits. I have been going up to bed awake around 10ish and sleep thru the night.  The only time I wake up is I hear my son up getting water.  For the longest time I have been falling asleep on the sofa and going up to bed around 1am.  I am also happy that my wine cravings are weak and I haven't really had a desire.  I regularly would have a few glasses of wine a night to relax.  I don't want to do that anymore.  I have read other blogs and others start feeling more emotions.   I feel I am experience my feelings and emotions more.  I'm dealing with them, not numbing or burying them.  I do find myself emotional at strange times... but I let the moments pass.  I noticed I am a little more focused at work and I really needed that because I have been slacking there too!

I'm proud of myself and I'm motivated to keep it going.  It's a nice feeling.


Saturday, September 29, 2012

Whole 30- Day 7

I made it, 7 days! Tonight was a test and I passed with flying colors! Friends gathered for outside movie night. Wine, beer, candy, popcorn, cookies... I had none of it. Just water and pumpkin spice coffee with no sugar. I impressed my friends. I wasn't tempted really, a little by popcorn as it is my favorite but as I poured it for everyone, I had not one single taste!! I'm feeling really good! Slept well last night, hit the gym this morning, getting back into the old routine!

Busy Sunday tomorrow, spin class early, sons soccer game, grocery store, my Whole 30 class, dinner with the boys and then the best part of the weekend, my favorite tv show, Revenge!!! Can't wait!!

Enjoy your Sunday!


Friday, September 28, 2012

Day 6 and I'm Dragging a Little~

After a good nights sleep of 6+ hours (I'm striving for 8 but we all know how hard that is) I had no problem waking up for cross-training class this morning @ 5am.  Actually with the increase of my water intake, I had to get up! In class, I was dragging.  My energy level was not there.  I burned lower amount of calories than normal too.  However, I got up and did it.  I know it takes about 2 weeks for the body to get accustomed and adjust to the no sugars and carbs, so I plan to just ride it out.  I feel good overall.  My emotions are not all over the map as they were Day 3.  I have a few bouts of tiredness here and there.... but I always did before too. 

My plan for the weekend.... read more of It Starts With Food, CT class and Spin, two soccer games, and spend some quality time with my boys.  If I can, start cleaning out my closet of clothes I haven't touched for Good Will!

Now to get some work done @ my job!  ;-)

Momma Bee

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Whole 30~ Day 5

Today is day 5 of my Whole 30 Challenge. I have had no wine, sugar or processed foods, only lean meats, veggies, fruits, some nuts (trying to watch nuts in-take because I love nuts), fruit, 100 ozs water a day and lots of coconut oil. I feel pretty good. I'm sleeping better each night and I've been working out almost every day. (Boot Camp, Fusion and Spin) I'm surprised how well I am doing with the sugar cravings (not much really) and no desire to drink wine. This is one of the reasons why I decided to do this challenge. My almost daily wine habit was getting to be too much. I have 25 more days to go but I feel really motivated to continue on.. I want to Be able to say, I did this! Hopefully,I will love the positive change in my body and mind and maybe lose a few pounds!!!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

New Challenges

After being away from the gym the past two weeks, I went back today.  I joined the Fall Bootcamp Challenge.  It is a bootcamp type class that is cardio, strength training and yoga all in one.  This Sunday I also start a 30 day Real Food Challenge.  Its known as the Paleo "diet".  Real foods, meats, fish, vegetables, some fruit, nothing processed.  During the 30 days, we should also refrain from any alcohol.  This is what I need.  My daily wine habit is out of hand.  This has made the last few months and even the last year, why my work outs are so sporadic.  I'm tired all the time.  I toss and turn all night.  I drink the wine thinking it will help me fall asleep or relax me after the stressful day.  I'm a single mom with 2 kids and who works full time.  My cart is full just like everyone else.  It's no excuse.

So both these challenges hopefully will help me in more way than one.  Eat better, exercise more, sleep better, drink less and hopefully mentally I will feel better to handle the everyday challenges.

I plan to blog as much as I can and be as honest.  If no one reads these blogs its ok.. I'm doing this for me.

Momma Bee