Thursday, November 21, 2013

Holy Shit 30 Days~


Wow, 30 days~ I made it!
What have I learned about myself?  How hard was it? How do I feel? What did I accomplish?
I guess I should think bout my first 30 days and reflect. 
Looking back, 30 days went really fast!
I am very proud of myself.
I have no problem rewarding myself with treats!
It feels great to exercise again.
I sleep 7+ hours a night and I love it!
I am calmer in the mornings with my children. (maybe not so much the first week, lol)
I'm looking at myself in the mirror more.
I'm wearing lipstick again.
I feel better emotionally & mentally.
My face looks better, glowing, younger.
I'm taking more pride in my appearance.
I haven't taken Ibuprofen in 30 days.
My house is cleaner than last month.
I'm reading more.
I'm still addicted to FB and now sober blogs.
Wolfie hasn't challenged me yet.
What do I anticipate the next 30 days?
I anticipate Wolfie will try to fuck with me!
Events on my calendar will be challenging.
Feeling stronger in my workouts.
I will eat more to compensate at events.
More people will ask when will I drink again. 
(Today I was asked am I drinking on Thanksgiving or the concert next month?)
My moods will still swing when my BF drinks.
The more days I am sober the better I will feel about myself.
I am ready to take on the next 30 days.  I will keep my tool box at my side and continue on this fabulous journey. 
Thanks to all of you in the sober blogging community and especially Belle for never giving up on me!
Momma Bee 


  1. Congratulations on 30 days! Hooray!! Love the list of changes you have noticed already.
