Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Day 28

WOW, I am almost at 30 days.  When I woke this morning the first thing that came into my head was, DAY 28.

I'm proud, I'm happy and a lil scared.  My next goal was 30 days.  I never done this in recent years.  I want it to roll over and easily move onto 60 days.  I know anything worth it won't come easy!

I had a great workout at the gym this morning at 6am.  I made my BF hide the scale around Nov 3rd.  I don't want to have anything get in my way of sobriety.  I don't want to get on the scale, see no changes and think, I'm not drinking wine anymore, I should of lost 10 lbs by now.  I was going to WI the 1st of every month going forward.  I may just skip December and wait till the New Year.  Wolfie is a Fucker and would tell me, "Hey Fatty, your not losing weight so you should just start drinking wine again!"   

My only focus is staying sober and work out as often as I can.  Hitting the gym will help me relieve stress and make me go to bed at a decent hour.  I have been getting 7+ hours a sleep and loving it.  Nothing happens over night but when I feel better physically and mentally and see any positive changes in my skin, face, color, or less bloating it will only encourage me to continue my sober journey. 

I'm hoping to get a massage as a treat for 30 days~ and some type of yummy foot treat!  I have no problem treating myself on my sober journey! ;-)

Keeping my arms stretched out, nothing will get into my sober zone!

Momma B.


  1. Congrats on your 28 days :)

    Time takes time, as they say. (I know, silly saying, but I almost kind of like it). Those days add up and before you know it, you'll be at 60 saying you can't wait until 90, etc.

    Keep at it...sobriety is a wonderful life.


  2. Thank you Paul~ I believe your right it takes time..... the more days I have sober the better I feel and know its worth it. I'm excited for the new year~ everyone else will be starting their fresh start and hopefully I will be 70+ days into this fabulous new life!!

  3. Going to the gym has been great therapy for me and eventually led to weight loss. (I don't know why the pounds don't just melt off with all the calories we once consumed, but in my case I think I just substituted with cookies.) Love chasing that good feeling with something healthy, so it makes me really happy to read this post. Happy 28 days!
